
About the Aspire-2040 Learning Transformations fund

The Aspire Learning Transformations Fund (ALT-2040) supports course and program innovation, student experience enhancement, and educational resource development at UBC Okanagan. All projects must meaningfully transform UBCO students’ learning experiences with an implementation focus and scope consistent with one the three funding streams. Selection of funded projects is guided by the transformative learning strategies of Shaping UBC’s Next Century and UBC Okanagan teaching and learning priorities expressed in aligned plans and reports (e.g. Outlook 2040, Indigenous Strategic Plan, Declaration of Truth and Reconciliation Commitments, Strategic Equity and Anti-Racism (StEAR) Framework, Climate Emergency Task Force Report, and Student Strategic Plan). Each year a set of priority focus areas are identified for ALT-2040 projects to guide this strategic alignment.


Find the latest news and announcements about the ALT-2040 Fund and the Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic.

How to Apply

Learn more about ALT-2040 funding streams and the application process.

Funding Streams

The ALT-2040 Fund has three funding streams:   


Open Educational Resources (OER) focus

Up to $15,000 may be requested for projects focused on developing or adapting OER (e.g., open textbook, digital content, course assessments, course assignments) or incorporating open educational practices in one or more courses.

UBC Okanagan instructor and student partnering on project.


Learning experience enhancement

Up to $15,000 may be requested to develop and implement course-level innovations grounded in research-informed practices and aligned with UBC Okanagan strategic academic priorities.


Constellation Protostar

Up to $15,000 may be requested for innovative projects focused on introducing novel media (technology) elements that leverage the unique learning environments available through Constellation.  

*Note: Up to $25,000 may be available for 

  • projects that create significant OERs to address a program or multi-course level benefit (e.g., significantly reduce educational materials cost while improving student learning outcomes within all first and/or second year courses); 
  • projects that develop and implement innovations that enhance an academic program, or benefit multiple courses or programs; or.  
  • projects that leverage Constellation facilities to the benefit of programs or multiple courses (e.g.: evolution of a prototype or defined set of media development skills over a series of courses within a program)  

Priority Focus Areas

Projects funded through the ALT-2040 Fund are required to align with priority focus areas, providing benefits and learning transformation to students across all disciplines.

Generative AI  

  • Develop approaches for the use of Generative AI tools by instructors and students in teaching and learning contexts (e.g. assessment, course design, writing, academic integrity). 

Education Renewal  

  • Introduce innovative teaching and learning practices that address knowledge and skills gaps, including those identified by curricular renewal/review processes.  

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility 

  • Transform curricula by incorporating equitable and anti-racist teaching and pedagogies that promote locally and globally relevant and responsive ways of learning, knowing, and translating knowledge.  
  • Create and/or incorporate OER to make education more affordable and accessible to students.  

Indigenous Engagement  

  • Strengthen and expand Indigenization, decolonization and reconciliation initiatives in existing courses and programs and/or strengthen instructors’ competence withability to incorporateing relevant practices  in their teaching.   

Practical Learning  

  •   Enhance and expand experiential education (EE) opportunities within courses or across multiple courses in alignment with UBC’s identified clusters of EE activity. 


Program administration for the ALT-2040 Fund is provided by the Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Okanagan. Questions may be directed to:

Kirsten Bennett  
Senior Manager, Strategic Projects